Data Automation
The need to obtain accurate consumption data quickly has never been so important. To be able to analyse and identify consumption issues and equipment faults promptly, data needs to be delivered to your Energy Monitoring and Targeting system at least every day. The Data Automation service automatically transfers Mandatory Half Hourly, AMR and BEMS data from Data Collectors and other metering providers to the SystemsLink package.
This data can then be used to power an organisation’s energy management programmes, leading to increased efficiency, cost savings, better carbon management and the identification of potential savings.
For almost 5 years and on a daily basis we have downloaded HH data from 1770 AMR meters through the SystemsLink hosted platform. It is collected seamlessly from multiple data collectors and is consistent and regular. Any issues we have met, which have been few, are quickly resolved.
It just happens.
How does it work?
- Data collection is set up with your suppliers or Data Collectors using your portfolio information such as MPAN or Meter Serial Number
- SystemsLink collect this data and it is automatically downloaded to your software package as soon as available – this could be daily
- Data is then available for reporting as well as automatically updating dashboards or slideshows with up to date information
SystemsLink has the capability to receive and automatically import metered consumption information from all major Data Collectors, AMR providers and Suppliers, across all utilities.
There is no need to install any expensive hardware, our software can be fed from existing metering which avoids any installations or additional cost commitments.
Data Collectors
The above list is just some of the Data Collectors and Suppliers where profile data is being collected and transmitted to our customers’ software on at least a daily basis. If your supplier is not listed above we are confident we can work with them to collect your profile data on your behalf.
To find out how your organisation can benefit from our data automation services call the office on +44 1234 834650 or email