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2022 Christmas Closure dates

SystemsLink Christmas Closure Dates 2022

The SystemsLink offices will be closed for the Christmas period from Friday 23rd December at 12:30 pm and will reopen on Tuesday 3rd January at 8:45 am. We would like to wish all our clients a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and we look forward to working with you in 2023!

Combat market challenges & cut costs

Combat Market Challenges & Cut Costs LinkedIn Live

Earlier this week our experts, James Morrison, Head of Solutions, and Laura Eyles, Customer Success Manager discussed the very latest market insights to help you combat increasing energy prices and reduce costs for your customers.

Watch on demand now.

Energy intel every business needs to know

You might have an in-house team of energy experts who know the industry inside-out, but the energy landscape changes so quickly that it’s vital for your team to actively stay up-to-date with what’s happening in the industry. Can you say with certainty that you are receiving all energy-related intel and using it to influence your strategy and decision-making?

Wind turbines at sunset

Protect your business from TNUoS cost changes

The way your business is charged for some of its non-commodity costs is changing – which means you may need to adapt your energy management strategy to avoid higher energy bills. By making changes now, you can mitigate the impact of these changes on your business’s bottom line – here’s what you need to know.

The evolution of the energy broker

When energy brokers first entered the UK energy market, their role was simply to help businesses find the best deal for their energy. They’re still doing that today, but over the years brokers have evolved their services to provide more holistic support for organisations looking to boost their utilities strategies.


How to use our web portal

At SystemsLink, we strive to make energy management simpler – and our web portal is designed to do just that! You’ll find it’s packed with all the features and functions you need to take control of your business’s energy usage – such as…