Our Staff Spotlight series continues and the next employee to feature is Ozan Khan, an Operations Analyst.

Ozan Khan has been with the business for some time now but his role has changed and progressed to accommodate his strong skillset in operations, as well as his passion for the technical side of things.
We sat down with Ozan to discuss what challenges he’s faced in the industry, what his favourite projects have been at SystemsLink and what inspired him to pursue this career.
What does your role involve?
I cover quite a lot in my role as an Operations Analyst. I deliver training sessions to all of customers on our software packages. And I handle troubleshooting and maintenance issues on our platforms and aide other job functions with any work as and where I can be of use.
How long have you worked for SystemsLink?
I have been at SystemsLink for just over 2 years now.
Before that, I worked for various organisations within operational analytical roles, managing data input, analysis of energy consumption and expenditure and delivering elevated levels of customer service excellence.
I gained experience in administering client requirements under CRC regulations, including calculating carbon footprints, emission requirements and devising statutory reports. As well as modelling the impact of wholesale commodity market pricing on BNB gas and power tariffs.
What inspired you to pursue the career you have today?
I started as an Implementation Project Manager at SystemsLink but found an affinity with the more technical side and transitioned into operations.
What’s the best career lesson you’ve learned so far?
Don’t be afraid to ask for help. No one on the team will judge you for what you don’t know.
What do you like most about your job?
I have two things I love. Firstly, being able to talk and interact with all our customers. I love meeting and building relations with the customers.
Secondly, I love the technical side of the job. I like learning new skills and developing my abilities to work on more difficult projects.
What has been your favourite project at SystemsLink?
The most exciting thing that I have worked on was PDF Auto. I was taught to code for the project, although as of late I have taken a step back. Hopefully in the future I will be able to pick it back up!
What are the challenges you’ve faced in the industry?
I think being so intricately linked to the energy sector is the hardest part of the job. As we focus on software it is something that we must stay on top of to make sure that we fully understand everything that could and will come up from the customer experience view.
And finally, if you could have a superpower, what would it be?
I know it’s obvious but I’d love to be able to teleport – that way I could work remotely on a beach somewhere and still make it back to London for my client training sessions!
A big thank you to Ozan for his fantastic contribution to our Operations team. Many of our clients have highly praised the training he’s delivered on how insightful they’ve been for the organisation.
If you are a customer of ours and would like some refresher training, or if you have new members of your team that need training on using our software, please do contact our team on sales@systems-link.com.