Take the hassle out of energy management for your customers

As pressure on businesses to reduce their impact on the environment increases, organisations of all shapes and sizes are seeking expert support with energy management.

Take the hassle out of energy management for your customers

As pressure on businesses to reduce their impact on the environment increases, organisations of all shapes and sizes are seeking expert support with energy management. Is your energy consultancy able to provide them with the services they need to maximise their energy efficiency?

Now that the UK is striving towards its  target of net zero emissions by 2050, and with legislation such as the Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting Scheme (SECR), the spotlight is placed on businesses’ environmental impact, and therefore energy efficiency has become an even greater concern for many organisations. For these companies, energy management with solid foundations is crucial, as they must take control of their energy consumption before they can take action to minimise the amount of energy they’re wasting. By implementing a robust energy management strategy, they stand to benefit not just from compliance with energy legislation, but they could also reduce their energy costs and make a positive contribution towards climate change, not to mention enhancing their own reputation.

Whilst businesses understand the importance of energy efficiency, many don’t have the time or expertise in their in-house team to truly optimise the way they manage their energy. Third Party Intermediaries (TPIs) can help businesses to take their approach to energy management to the next level.

As a TPI, are you ready to support businesses with their energy management efforts? Here are some of the key areas where your expertise can prove invaluable…


Identifying areas for improvement

An external perspective can be invaluable when it comes to pinpointing and prioritising areas where efficiency improvements are most needed within an organisation. As a TPI, you have the expertise and knowledge required to analyse your customer’s energy usage and advise them where they could be wasting energy.

To do this accurately you will need to have access to your customer’s energy data. Most large businesses are collecting data on their energy usage through half-hourly meters, but whether that data is collated in a useable way is another matter. SystemsLink’s software gives you easy access to your customers’ consumption data direct from their data collector, AMR provider or supplier. Through our web portal, bolstered with customisable dashboards, you have an at-a-glance view of their position and where they could improve their efficiency.


Setting targets for energy efficiency

Your unique perspective as energy industry insiders also means you’re best placed to support your customers in setting targets for their energy management strategy. Businesses may be inclined to set ambitious targets – particularly those affected by energy legislation such as SECR – but it’s important that their goals are also realistic. If you have access to their energy data, you should have a good idea of their typical usage and be able to guide their targets based on this insight. SystemsLink enables you to set targets against consumption, cost and carbon. Using this functionality, a user can easily track performance against targets or commitments, be they compliance obligations, internal business budgets or aspirational targets.

In addition to targets, SystemsLink offers ‘Smart Spaces’ functionality. This enables your customers to set thresholds for acceptable usage for each meter across their site, triggering an automatic alert to be sent to your customer should the set threshold be exceeded. Smart Spaces will give you alarms daily (or as frequently as your Data Collector sends the data, which could be real time) providing you the opportunity to act upon breaches within a timeframe that allows mitigation or rectification. Alerts can be set against simple Fixed targets, or against Dynamic targets enabling intelligent monitoring based on patterns of usage. This solution helps you keep your customers on track with their efficiency goals and targets.


Measuring their success

When your customers have implemented energy efficiency measures and targets to monitor and verify, it’s vital that they have a straightforward way to measure their success. What is not measured and monitored cannot be understood, or acted upon, so you can support them by providing them with energy monitoring software to give them a clear view of how well they’re performing against their efficiency targets.

SystemsLink’s Web Portal gives both you and your customers access to up-to-date data on their consumption, with customisable dashboards to suit all types of energy users. You can set custom metrics based on their goals, so they can regularly review the impact their efficiency measures are having within their organisation. Your customers can also download detailed reports containing this information, which is particularly useful when they’re looking to show ROI for existing efficiency measures or gain stakeholder buy-in for future efficiency projects.


Could SystemsLink help to expand your offering so you can support your customers with their energy management needs? Give our experts a call today on 01234 988 855 to find out more.

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