Non-Commodity Cost Calculator

Forecast and master past, present and future electricity non-commodity costs with our convenient estimator tool.

Non-Commodity Cost Calculator

Forecast and master past, present and future electricity non-commodity costs with our convenient estimator tool. 

Software mock up

An energy bill is made up of two elements

  • Wholesale costs, also known as the commodity cost. 
  • Non-commodity costs, also known as third party charges. This includes transmission and distribution costs, taxes and levies amongst others. 

Bolster your knowledge

While market conditions determine wholesale costs, non-commodity charges depend on your portfolio alongside government policy.

This is nuanced and complex information and our estimator allows you to bolster your knowledge and the impact of non-commodity costs on your business. 

SystemsLink Report Dashboard Display

What are the benefits?

Think ahead

Visualise your non-commodity costs with estimated forecast based on your location and industry.

See the full picture

Your commodity and non-commodity rates, two-year historic charges and an estimated five-year forecast – at summary, categorical and detailed levels.

Forecasts for Comparative Analysis

Compare non-commodity and commodity cost information stored in the application for further analysis.

Start estimating today!

Our experts are happy to give you a free demonstration of the benefits the Non-Commodity Cost Calculator could bring to your business.