Smart Spaces is a powerful tool that uses your up-to-date interval data to stop energy from going to waste.
Designed to help energy managers with large portfolios, Smart Spaces sends an email to a designated site contact when wastage is detected. This means you don’t have to be at the site yourself to make a difference in your organisation’s energy use.
What are the benefits?
Unleash the potential of your Half Hourly data
Many organisations collect Half Hourly data for Fiscal, Sub meters and other Data Logger sources, but don’t make the most of it. Smart Spaces analyses this data automatically in the background.
Pin down energy wastage
The intuitive alert system allows you to act on anything abnormal post-haste.
Automatically alert your site contacts
Take the hassle out of energy management.
A single alert on a large estate
By utilising historic data specific to each supply point when applying criteria for each of your alarms, one alarm is effectively tailored to your whole estate.
Bespoke calendars
Smart Spaces understands when a site is open, closed or partially operational. Using a bespoke calendar for your sites allows you to have an effective alarm system with minimal false positives.
Why customers love SystemsLink

How it all began …
Smart Spaces was originally part of an EU-funded project to save energy in public buildings using Information and Communications Technology to significantly lower carbon emissions through reducing energy consumption throughout Europe.
The three-year project set up 11 pilot cities across eight countries and was operated by a consortium made up of 26 partners, including local authorities, universities and technical partners such as Cisco, BT and SystemsLink.
SystemsLink worked in partnership with Bristol City Council. We converted massive quantities of raw energy data into formats that are usable for a wide variety of end-users to make utility monitoring and targeting accessible to a larger audience.
Talk to Darshan
If you want to get onboard with the most sophisticated AMR alarm system in the UK, speak to Darshan or one of our experts today.