The Bureau Service can manage all your suppliers to ensure your bills arrive in a timely manner and verify they are correct. If something is not correct, Inspired can raise and manage supplier queries all the way through to resolution for you.
Inspired recovered over £45 million for their clients in 2023. So, you know you are in safe hands!
What are the benefits?
Your invoices – sorted:
Invoices, including credits, will be imported and validated.
Your queries – sorted:
Most queries are resolved within one billing cycle.
Change of Tenancy – sorted:
To keep pace with your evolving estate, any changes of tenancy are processed on your behalf.
Helpful reports – sorted:
How about a Batch Report which shows your validated invoices and commentary on any that needs querying? Or a more advanced Query Report, which gives a detailed breakdown of your billing queries down to status, anticipated recoveries and progress updates?
Want to know more?
Please get in touch with us – we’ll introduce you!