Security starts with asking the right questions. There are many things to consider with regards to the security of your organisation’s data. As well as internal security, you should ensure any partner of yours who holds your data meets at least the same standards as your own organisation.
Who has access to your data?
Consider access privileges and provide visibility on a ‘need to see’ basis. Minimising contact with data will minimise the potential of data falling into the wrong hands.
Working with partners?
Spend time not only understanding who within that organisation can access the data but also what the accreditation and security policy of that organisation is.
Our organisation is IS027001 & 9001 accredited. We have had Cyber Essentials Plus for 4 years, which is backed by the UK government. We are actively working towards ISO22301.
Where is your data stored?
Increasingly your data may be stored in the cloud or overseas. Make sure you understand where and how that data is protected.
SL believes in giving its customers a choice over data storage. Our customers can host the software and data on their own systems, giving them full control of their data. We also offer a hosted option, where the data is stored in a secure, ISO27001 accredited, geo redundant EU data centre.
On-going review of cyber security
Times change and security needs to move with it. Ensure you are using the latest security available and always source advice from an expert in this field if you do not have this specialist knowledge internally.
Our business carries out regular penetration testing and enlists an external organisation as part of testing our security. Security of data is of paramount importance to us.
At SystemsLink, security isn’t all we’re good at: our software is the largest provider to the public sector; we also support ~50 consultants and over 500,000 meters with:
- The industry benchmark for Invoice Validation
- A reporting suite, with customisation to meet all needs
- Analytical tools to understand energy usage and reduce consumption
- A market leading dashboard which is user friendly and intuitive, to suit SME right up to large Corporate customers