Financial System Integration

Our software can underpin your financial reporting – here’s how.

Financial System Integration

Our software can underpin your financial reporting – here’s how. 

Instead of managing your utility invoice data in two systems, you can import from your supplier EDI or spreadsheets straight into your Energy Manager software and export your validated invoices into your preferred financial system at the click of a button.  

What are the benefits?

A push button-exercise

The format can be configured to match your finance system’s import template – so no extra work for your finance department. We can also implement direct system integrations, meaning our energy management software talks directly to your finance software. 

Improved data quality

Working under one system helps to eliminate issues like data entry errors.

Cut down your timescales

No more manual data handing and manipulation to fit into your financial system’s desired format! This will save time, and time, as we know – is money.

Connect with Darshan

For more information on Financial System Integration, get in touch with Darshan or a member of the team today.

Hands holding clipboard and calculator